The subject Kaumarbhrityatantra includes, Neonatology and Paediatrics of Ayurved. The fact that ‘Kaumarabhritya is the foremost branch amongst the basic 8 specialties’ of Ayurveda, highlights its importance. The scope of the subject ranges from conception of the foetus until late adolescence. The department O.P.D. functions on both Ayurvedic and modern Paediatric principles and treatments along with an immunization programme as advised by the Indian Association of Paediatrics. It also has a well-equipped special neonatal care unit. The department advocates specific procedures and protocols mentioned in ancient text like oil massage (Abhyanga), baby baths (Snan) and fumigation (Dhupan) using herbal and herbo-mineral medicines. Examination of breast milk (Stanya Pariksha) on Ayurvedic parameters is done on routine basis.

  • Child counseling and Parental guidance.




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